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Numarul mesajelor : 220 Varsta : 33 Data de inscriere : 29/12/2008
| Subiect: Demo pentru PC FEAR 2: Project Origin, săptămâna viitoare Sam Ian 17, 2009 11:51 pm | |
| Warner Bros. a anunţat oficial că va lansa un demo pentru FEAR 2: Project Origins săptămâna viitoare, mai exact joi, 22 ianuarie. Demo-ul va fi disponibil şi pentru Xbox 360 şi PlayStation 3, iar cel pentru PC va putea fi descărcat de pe site-ul oficial www.whatisfear.com.Cei de la Warner Bros. susţin că demo-ul va oferi "o privire detaliată asupra acţiunii, sentimentului de teroare şi suspans a versiununii full pentru PC. Jucătorii vor colinda prin coridoare pătate de sânge din câteva locaţii din joc, şi se vor lupta în câteva scenarii din Auburn, acum în ruină datorită exploziei din finalul primului F.E.A.R." Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced that the single player demo for F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin will be available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, Games for Windows and PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system beginning January 22. The demo will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for Xbox 360 and PlayStationNetwork for the PLAYSTATION 3. Fans can visit www.whatisfear.com to download the Games for Windows version. The full game will ship to retailers in xx on February 13th.The F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin demo will offer a glimpse of the action, terror and suspense of the full retail version of the game. Players will maneuver through bloodstained corridors and hallways from several locations in the game, as they combat through various parts of the city of Auburn , which now lays in ruin after the catastrophic explosion that rocked the finale of F.E.A.R.F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, the highly anticipated sequel to the 2005 smash hit game, F.E.A.R., is a blend of advanced visceral combat mixed with seamless game pacing set inside a sinister and paranormal universe that begins shortly before the ending of F.E.A.R. A Special Forces squad is on a routine mission when the city of Auburn is rocked by a supernatural explosion. Alma, a girl with immense power and a thirst for revenge, has unleashed her wrath upon the city and thrown it into chaos. The squad must combat enemy forces and the supernatural as they struggle to find a way to stop Alma and uncover the mysterious forces arrayed against them before it’s too late.For more information about the game, visit www.whatisfear.com.
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